Meow Wolf

MEOW WOLF rocks my world.
Photo By Rebecca French

If you like to play in wonder, then check out Meow Wolf in Santa Fe, NM. Meow Wolf is a 20,000 sq ft. old bowling alley that has been converted into an interactive art experience. BUT WAIT... there is more... On top of being a massively glorious playground - the designer included a bad ass story line about a family that got mixed up in strange experiments...which if you so choose can lead you on a discovery quest as to what the hell happened in a "chaotic" multi-dimensional Victorian house.
Photo by Rebecca French

Naturally, me and my new friend, Rebecca, went on the self-guided quest.

We stepped into portals;
Rooms seemingly stepped through us.

Bringing interactive games to new levels for communities...

The pink hanging objects made sounds for music!

Our RV portal home (Some guy scares the shit out of me in an "unexpecting" doorway at the end of the video)

Meow Wolf is also a freaking concert venue...mainly for punk & electronic bands - check it out:

Perhaps your where is the adventure quest piece? The actual quest was WAY more epic than I could have ever imagined. I mean we are talking finding safe codes, reading letters, searching/finding rooms, questioning unfriendly "Scientists/Agents" and reading more letters. The story is so immersive to the point where time disappears.

Rebecca and I slowly, but surely got closer to answers and more questions...4 hours later we did not finish the quest, yet we came to some fun hypothesis based on our findings:

 A family was involved in time/space experiments due to a dads' relentless desire to find a scientific breakthrough for connections to other dimensions. Ultimately, it seemed that a private owned (seemed like a metaphor for government to me) research facility got their hands involved in his experiments to enforce some sort of "Order" with more ease. This is where the hypothesis really comes in because we did not complete the quest. I imagine that the dad accidently lost his son into another dimension during his wild experiments, and perhaps out of fear enlisted the help of a science corporation for more resources in attempt to retrieve the son...Perhaps out of desperation missed the fine print that allowed the corporation to take his experiment for their own to use for ulterior motives, And within that bit I imagine the corporation slowly phased the dad out of or into a controlled corner around the experiment. So, naturally the phenomenon that helped the dad lose his shit and literally his son, continued to evolve miraculously out of control...and the corp that wanted to own the key to "new" phenomenon for more control had to lockdown the location as the space and time continued to warp and manifest strange pieces of the family's house where the first dimensional portal was opened. I feel like the son is still lost in the house space somewhere....and I wish I knew why the scientists wanted to control the "anomaly" that started the warp. I will surely return for complete answers!
Trippy 3-D Glasses Room

I have no idea..It seemed alive, but it wouldn't talk to us.

REALLY big crow

The "Order" is watching

Photo by Rebecca French :)

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